Request for Qualifications: Architecture and Design Services Marimn Health Wellness Center Renovations

By April 1, 2024General

Marimn Health is requesting a Statement of Qualifications from qualified architecture firms to be our architect and coordinate design development, establish a preliminary construction budget, and provide design drawings for the general contractor bid process. The project consists of approximately 42,000 sf of fitness and community spaces that will need to be renovated within our existing Wellness Center facility at 1100 A Street, Plummer, ID 83851. The project will be funded in part by several grants.


The project is currently in the pre-design development stage. Marimn Health anticipates a late summer 2024 construction start. Firms interested in this project must submit a statement of qualifications in accordance with the requirements set forth in this RFP. Proposals must be received no later than Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 4:00 PST.

Megan Clark

Author Megan Clark

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